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asked in Real Estate by

Let's say I have little to no money.

I can: 

  • Get a loan and buy a house, or 
  • I can live for the rest of my life in rent and save the extra money (investing and stuff).

Which is generally the better option (financially)?


1 Answer

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answered by (19.8k points)

Forget, for the moment, which will pay off most over the long term. Consider risk exposure.

You've said that you (hypothetically) have "little or no money": that's the deal-breaker. From a risk-management perspective, your investment portfolio would be better off diversified than with 90% of your assets in a house.

Consider also the nature of the risk which owning a house exposes you to: Housing prices are generally tied to the state of the economy. If the local economy crashes, not only could you lose your job, but you could lose a good part of the value of your house... and still owe a lot on your loan. (You also might not be able to move as easily if you found a new job somewhere else.)

You should almost certainly rent until you're more financially stable and could afford to pay the new mortgage for a year (or more) if you suddenly lost your job. Then you can worry more about maximizing your investments' rate of return.

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