Having a judgment on your credit report is right up there with loan defaults and repossessions as one of the biggest negative hits to your credit score. The two worse items to affect your score is a foreclosure and a bankruptcy. So you can see why removing a judgment from your report is a pretty big deal when it comes to increasing your credit score. But, erasing a judgment is not that easy and it will take a bit of effort on your part.
Yes Lexington Law can remove judgements from your reports.
I suggest you to please go through detail review about Lexington Law here:
Lexington Law Credit Repair Review: Scam or Legitimate ?
I recommend you to try the best in class & affordable service: SkyBlue Credit Repair.
Good thing is, If you not satisfied with their service then they offer a FULL 90-day REFUND no matter what the reason.
so according to me, there is no harm in trying SkyBlue Credit repair.
Call the below-mentioned TOLL-FREE number and just listen to their suggestions.
Anyway, the phone number is toll-free so it will NOT charge you a dime. If you like their suggestions then you can opt for it else move on. as simple as it is.
SkyBlue Credit Repair:
- Price: $59 to start,
- BBB Rating: A+
- Guarantee? Sky Blue is one of the only credit repair services that offers a full 90-day refund no matter what the reason.
- Phone Number: call TOLL-FREE No: (888) 596-6306 to talk to a live person. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
- Apply Online: Sign up for Sky Blue here | Sky Blue website