Have you ever been broke and wondered how you could quickly make some cash? Or maybe you are looking to earn some extra money, and you are wondering about what things you could rent to get this cash? Well, this article is going to be a real eye opener for you! This is because we are going to tell you about
This is because we are going to tell you about 17 surprising things you can rent for extra cash. You will find that you see of these things every day but the idea of renting them has never crossed your mind. The items are as follows:
1. Groovy Gadgets e.g. iPhone
There are people out there who are only after certain fancy things for the particular event only. After these events, they will no longer need the gadgets. For example, it may be a student who is looking to brag with a new iPhone during a particular inter-school event.
You can, therefore, be able to gain some extra cash from such people by renting the gadgets after a good contract agreement.
2. Tools
Once in a long while, you will find that a particular part of your kitchen, garage or house to have broken. To fix it you will realize that you have to buy a particular tool. But after fixing it, you will no longer have any use for the tool until maybe something breaks again.
Instead of leaving the tool to lay idle, you can take it and put it up for renting, and it will earn you some good cash.
3. Party Supplies
It is rather obvious that you cannot throw parties every day or every weekend. Therefore, you can take out the party supplies that you have in your store and rent them out. You will be surprised by how much they might just earn you.
4. Textbooks
What do you do with your textbooks after you have completed a class? There is always someone else behind you who is now joining the class that you have just completed. Make use of the textbook and rent them out to these new learners instead of stacking them in the store.
5. Camping Gear
You might have bought some camping gear for you and the rest of your family, but you definitely can’t be able to go camping so frequently. Therefore, make this gear available for renting and the many people available out there will be able to pay some really good money for the gear.
6. Dogs
This might sound shocking, but you can rent out your pet dog! This is especially common when someone is looking to hire a particular dog, for example, to see its trait before they buy one for themselves. You can hence rent yours because after all it is only for a few hours or days.
7. Money
Money is actually one of the most profit earning things that you can rent. Of late most people try as much as possible to request for money or loans from banks and other financial organizations. They, therefore, come to rent money from other individuals.
You can rent out your money to these guys, and you will be very pleased with the returns.
8. Handbags
Almost every lady nowadays has that one expensive handbag that they carry for the big event. However, not all women can afford to buy these handbags. The ones who can’t afford to buy them, therefore, turn to cheaper options which now include renting one.
You can, therefore, rent that expensive designer handbag, and it could even help to return the cash that you spent purchasing it.
9. $ex Dolls
You could have hosted that one crazy party where you even ended up buying some sex toys. There no need to dump these toys after the party. They can easily earn you some money. Go online and get interested individuals, they are so many out there and hire the dolls.
10. Wheels
Most people are aware of the idea of renting out cars but do not know about renting wheels. You can easily rent out your wheels especially to people who are looking to go on a road trip and want several wheels in case of anything.
11. Bikes
Most people owned bikes when they were growing up. After becoming grown – ups they dump these bikes in the garage where they lay unused. You can take the bike out and service it and after it is operational you will be able to convince the kid or family next door to rent the bike where you will earn some good money.
12. Fitness and sports equipment
How many times do you come up with resolutions that you will start working out? After these resolutions you even go ahead and buy some fitness equipment but after a few weeks laziness catches up and you end up leaving the machine idle in the garage.
Make use of them and rent them to interested individuals until when you will need to use them again.
13. Gardens
It is common to find someone with a good spacious backyard that is not being used. That space can be utilized by someone else to come up with good groceries for personal use.
Therefore, if you have this space, then go ahead and even ask your interested neighbor who might be willing to pay for the garden.
14. Video games
In the last couple of years, almost all video games are now up for sale, and none can now be gotten for free. If you already have those video games that you are tired of playing then you can get a willing customer online who will pay to rent the game because they are avoiding the high buying costs.
15. Musical items
You might have that guitar or piano that you only play when you are idle or super bored. Any other time the instrument remain unused. Instead of letting them stay idle you should hire them even if it’s during the weekend evenings and earn money from it.
16. Lawn Mowers
Lawn mowers and other similar equipment for taking care of the environment are only used like once in a week or even longer. After this, they are then taken back to the store where they stay until the next time they are needed.
You can decide to make use of them even when you, do not need them. This is by renting them to other individuals who will use them for when you need them back again.
17. Parking space
You could be a significant person in your workplace where you even have your designated parking area. You can earn money from this space very simple especially if you have already rented out your car. Rent the space to someone else who doesn’t have one and make several bucks from it.
The above article has now acted as an eye opener for you. By now you should be able to utilize all the idle things around you by renting them out. Start by renting the above-listed things and you can be assured that the returns will be very impressive.
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